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We tell stories to describe events and ideas in a meaningful and inspiring way – and create strong emotional connections with other people.

That’s why storytelling is such a vital skill for businesses who want to engage with their customers in a way that builds trust and affection.

And that skill is all the more needed at a time when studies like the Edelman Trust Barometer show continued declining trust in the traditional institutions of business, government and media.

Using storytelling to build trust

We help PR teams with tools and techniques for putting in place a strategy for discovering, developing and sharing authentic stories that amplify the positive things people say about their brands on social media.
It’s based on systematically gathering as many potential leads for stories from all possible sources and applying journalistic skills to spot the hidden gems and follow them up.
The key is finding ways for the stories to be told and shared by others on social media – by your customers, by your employees – and not in the corporate voice of the company.
People trust people like themselves – and when they hear someone they trust talking about your brand or organisation they listen.
And a genuine story, told by someone you trust, has the power to move you and change your thinking.
Get in touch today to discover how we can help you with a storytelling strategy and tactics to seed authentic positive conversations and word of mouth on social media.

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